Tags : Colm Burke

Student Accommodation
Student Contribution Charge
Alternative College Courses
Fees – repeating or changing courses
Contribution Fee Refunds
University in Derry would encourage larger North-South student exchange programme – Burke
Munster TU
Capital funding: UCC and MTU
John Hume Memorial University talks urged
Cross border John Hume University should be located in Derry
Munster TU
Third Level Admissions – Leaving Certificate 2019
Fine Gael TD set to progress John Hume Memorial University proposal
Scientific Research – CERN
Cern membership ‘vital for Irish universities’
Ireland ‘missing out’ by not joining Cern
Ireland and nuclear research
Failure to join CERN means State ‘losing out’ on research contracts
And so it begins (again) … that public/private sector pay differentiation