Tags : Deirdre Clune

Ireland looks to EU: Ireland should engage more with Erasmus programme as funding increases – says Cork MEP
Students need to be encouraged to prioritise science and tech subjects
Clune welcomes major reorganisation of higher education
Sixth year students should consider ICT courses for further education
The focus on science and technology is working
ICT literacy among teachers needs to be improved
Science should be prioritised at secondary and primary level
Clune welcomes loan scheme for UCC students
Changes in R&D Policy will stimulate growth amongst entrepreneurs and smaller businesses
Frontline teachers must be supported if Ireland’s underperforming maths education is to improve
Only 713 Higher Education Grants awarded in Cork out of 5,926 applications
A smart economy doesn’t export its talent
100,000 unemployed graduates – 2,000 Govt training places
Bonus Points for Leaving Cert Maths – Priority Question to Minister for Education
Coughlan must act on maths
Maths potential squandered says TD
Smart Economy a pipedream if Govt ignores Bonus Points for maths
Yet another annual debate on future of maths is only guaranteed Leaving Cert result
R&D will suffer from university cuts
€2bn university budgets cuts