Tags : digital humanities

Hacking the Humanities
There’s certainly no gender imbalance in digital humanities!
What is the difference between ‘doing Digital Humanities’ and using digital tools for research?
Defining the humanities
Digital Hubris, Digital Humility
Technology’s value to humanities must be made clearer
Digital humanities won’t save the humanities, digital humanists say
Digital humanities and the future of technology in higher ed
Going digital: a lightbulb moment for arts graduates
How the Humanities Compute in the Classroom
The managerial humanities; or, Why the digital humanities don’t exist
Stop Calling It ‘Digital Humanities’
What Are the Digital Humanities? The MLA 2013 Takes Stock
Essay on scholarly ‘social editions’ of texts in the humanities
I wonder how many people googled ‘Shikari’ Today: Writing with Students
Evaluating Digital Scholarship: Experiences in new programmes at an Irish University
‘No DH, No Interview’
Future U: Rise of the digital humanities
New Masters in Public History and Digital Humanities Launched by Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs
The Humanities, Done Digitally