Tags : e-books

Removal of e-books from Limerick libraries hits students’ pockets
DCUSU condemns removal of Wiley eBooks from University libraries
Students condemn removal of 1,300 eBooks from university libraries
There’s big problems with the market for academic e-books
The Ebook R/Evolution – Not as Easy as It Seems
‘Sales of ebooks are not rising fast enough to match the decline of printed textbooks’ via @cg_williams
About the price of academic textbooks
Book production: Papering over e-books
Children should ‘feel the texture of a book’ alongside digital learning
The Education Conundrum
Switch to e-books was ‘an unmitigated disaster’ says school principal
Gains from downloading textbooks wiped out by VAT
Feeling the pain of the switch to ebooks
Children turn away from books in favour of reading electronically
On Innovation & Disruption
Penguin reaches pact with EU to end e-book price-fixing probe
CourseSmart E-Textbooks Track Students’ Progress for Teachers
The future of reading
On Developing Author Power
What Happens to Publishers and Authors If a Used Ebook Market Becomes Legal?