Tags : Fás

Training centre to shut as two out of five trainees drop out
FÁS is no more … say hello to SOLAS
If Solas is the new FÁS, can it make a difference?
Government Legislation Programme for Spring 2013 – Third Level
Quinn announces end to FÁS and the 80 year old Vocational Education Committees
Quarter of Fás trainees qualified at third level
Farce as FAS puts jobless on courses a second time
Fás staff refuse to give up 70 days’ holiday
Quinn says refusal to train could result in penalties
8,000 Fás students face certificate delay
Young lives left cruelly scarred by latest FAS betrayal
Both Fás and Fetac have questions to answer
Education body refuses certs to FAS students
Training agency to take over from Fás
Training agency ‘needs real reform’
FÁS to be replaced with new agency – Tánaiste
Whistleblower at FAS-funded centre arrested in work
1,700 FAS certificates withheld
Report into ‘dodgy’ FAS courses is delayed
FAS a barrier to the smart economy