Tags : further education

Single portal for CAO and further education options to open from next month
Charging €3,000 to access further education ‘is unthinkable’
Ministers Harris and Collins launch Further Education Strategy for next five years
Harris wants students to think beyond CAO points and degrees
Further education courses boost students’ chances of graduating from third level
‘Obsession’ with third level means further education bypassed
Employers rate further education graduates as highly as college graduates
Further education funding to be linked with performance
Further education spending is ‘disjointed’, claims review
Study finds few students in further education go on to college
Further education has been reorganised, but on the ground little seems to have changed
Further education funding to be linked with ‘performance’
Fears cuts to further education will result in dumbed-down courses
Underperforming courses to lose funds in further education shake-up
Ministers Quinn and Cannon launch the first ever five year strategy for Further Education and Training
Ruairi Quinn under fire AGAIN … over college opening times
Teachers ‘horrified’ at Quinn’s lack of consultation
FÁS is no more … say hello to SOLAS
Education congress to discuss profound change in further education
Spotlight on further education sector