Tags : Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 by the numbers: how €60 billion was divided up among Europe’s scientists
Cork’s Tyndall National Institute secures over €56m in EU research funds
Tyndall National Institute wins 100th Horizon 2020 award
Minister Harris welcomes historic €1 billion in funding from Horizon 2020
‘Waterford Ireland’s ICT innovation capital’: Top ranking for WIT in European research funding
‘Programme for Government: Our Shared Future’ (June 2020)
Tyndall National Institute secures additional €8m in EU funding
Minister Mitchell O’Connor launches a European Charter to promote gender equality in the university sector
‘Celtic Connection’ to protect higher education from fallout of Brexit
Research and Development Supports
Cork’s Tyndall Institute secures €7m in Horizon 2020 funding
A no-deal Brexit will betray British science
How to improve your chances with a Horizon 2020 bid
EC gives details of €100 billion research proposal
Horizon 2020 Strategy Funding
UK-led research with EU funding drops sharply after Brexit vote
Will the UK get a Brexit deal on research? That’s the €160bn question
Rethink of EU research membership rules may offer UK ‘solution’
High Level Group says EU must double research budget
Why Ireland has a bad reputation for research