Tags : Hunt Report

Limerick IT president challenges the ‘current blueprint’ for third level education
Abolition of institutes of technology is an act of senseless violence
Waterford and Carlow, and the strange tale of a proposed ‘technical university’
We need to talk about the future of third level
Time to challenge the ‘myth of austerity’ – IFUT President, Rose Malone
IT mergers – why?
USI President: Registration Fee Hike a Further Disappointment from the Government
Closure of All Hallows is a loss to third-level education as well as to church
An Institute of Technology lecturer says Technological Universities are a bad idea and will fail
Institutes or tech unis?
Creating ‘Technological Universities’ in Ireland
Minister Quinn publishes General Scheme of Technological Universities Bill
Student Support Schemes Issues – Student Loans
Subverting Irish university autonomy
CIT nearer to university status
Minister Quinn sanctions major re-organisation of higher education
To fix third level, we need to ask the right questions
DCU chief calls for digital learning strategy
Leave the Irish sector alone to get on with the task of renewal
Reconfiguring the landscape