Tags : impact factors

Yet another problem with Journal Impact Factors
The impacts agenda is an autonomous push for opening up and democratizing academia, not part of a neo-liberal hegemony
A requiem for impact?
Few UK universities have adopted rules against impact-factor abuse
Measuring the lack of impact of journal papers
Journal impact factors ‘no longer credible’
Why are UK universities still relying on journal impact factors?
Quality control in research: the mysterious case of the bouncing impact factor
Altmetrics – Replacing the Impact Factor Is Not the Only Point
Open Access and the self-forming journal hierarchy
Impact factors are clouding our judgement
Is impact factor the ‘least-bad’ way to judge the quality of a scientific paper?
Sub-Prime Academia: when the bibliometric myths collapse …
End Robo-Research Assessment
Declaration on Research Assessment
Declaration of independence from journal impact factor
Impact factors declared unfit for duty
Elite journals are losing their position of privilege
High-impact journals: where newsworthiness trumps methodology
Impact factors – RCUK provides a chance to act