Tags : interdisciplinarity

In the UK, Liberal Arts Offer a Different Philosophy on Higher Education
Are we addicted to problemifying interdisciplinary research?
The university of the future will be interdisciplinary
The philosopher’s stone
People talk about interdisciplinarity, but will we ever really do it?
On Interdisciplinarity
Interdisciplinary research: why it’s seen as a risky route
Why Disciplines Are Becoming Less Important
Making Research Matter: The Academy Versus Real-World Problems
CAO and the like
Teaching on an interdisciplinary degree program
A refreshing interdisciplinary experience
Living and learning between disciplines
Academic themes
Multidisciplinary research – an essential driver for innovation
Restructuring Universities and the Two Cultures
Does interdisciplinarity destroy academic freedom?
OECD: Head attacks university ‘conservatism’
Who’s Your Academic Buddy? New Study Suggests How Fields Are Intertwined