Tags : James Lawless

Minister Lawless announces €63.84 million to accelerate commercialisation of research across Ireland
Staff:Student ratio
Capital Investment in Technological Universities
Minister Lawless announces 17 new tertiary degree courses for the 2025/2026 academic year
Trinity alumnus James Lawless appointed Minister for Higher Education
Research and Development
Covid-19 (Higher Education): Statements
Grand Canal innovation district
Ministers and Secretaries and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage
Call for urgent plan to safeguard third-level sector from serious financial fallout due to Covid-19
Ireland lagging behind in funding ‘blue skies’ scientific research
Ireland should join Cern, says Oireachtas committee
Membership of CERN Key to Ireland’s Standing in International Science Community – Lawless
‘Philistine’ Government Hindering Irish Research, Says Fianna Fáil
Govt Short-Sightedness Causing Crisis in Research and Development
Lawless urges Government to commit to CERN membership
Funding priorities of Science Foundation Ireland need re-balancing
Third Level Education – Higher Education Sector
Research Funding: PRTLI
Research Centres Programme