Tags : John McGuinness
Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science: Statements
- steve
- Alan Farrell, Bernard Durkan, Carol Nolan, coronavirus, Darren O'Rourke, DFHERIS, Gary Gannon, Gerald Nash, James O'Connor, Jennifer Murnane O'Connor, John McGuinness, maintenance grants, Marc Ó Cathasaigh, Marian Harkin, Mattie McGrath, Niall Collins, Pádraig O'Sullivan, Paul Murphy, Peadar Tóibín, Réada Cronin, Richard Boyd Barrett, Rose Conway-Walsh, Ruairí Ó Murchú, Simon Harris, Sorca Clarke, student accommodation, SUSI, Verona Murphy
- Fees, access and admissions, Governance and administration
Ministers and Secretaries and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage
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- Bernard Durkan, DFHERIS, Gerald Nash, James Lawless, Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, Joe McHugh, John McGuinness, legislation, Marian Harkin, Mattie McGrath, Niall Collins, Paul Murphy, Richard Boyd Barrett, Richard O'Donoghue, Róisín Shortall, Rose Conway-Walsh, Simon Harris, Thomas Gould
- Governance and administration, Legal issues
WIT and CIT: Financial Statements 2013
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- Brendan Murphy, Cork IT, DES, HEA, John Bruton, John McGuinness, Oireachtas, PAC, Seán Ó Foghlú, Tom Boland, Willie Donnelly, WIT
- Governance and administration
HEA boss denies ‘looking for head’ of ex-Waterford Institute of Technology president
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- 1
- HEA, John McGuinness, Kieran Byrne, Mary Lou McDonald, Oireachtas, PAC, Ruairí Quinn, Tom Boland, WIT
- Governance and administration, Legal issues