Tags : law

Plan for 4,600 extra college places to be discussed by Cabinet on Tuesday
Third-Year Law Students Slam School Over Impractical Timetables
‘The Larger your Lectures, The Less Time You Will Have on Campus’, says School of Law
Law Society say no reference made to female students in WhatsApp group
‘We’re not 15’ – Female trainee solicitor hits out at ‘highly offensive’ Whatsapp messages among law trainees
Essays and TCD entrance requirements
Head of Law School Condemns Sexist Comments Made by Students in Module Evaluations
Why should legal academics not be judges?
Bizarre Irish Water question appears on UCC Law exam
So, when it come to university courses, are some professions more equal than others?
The Law Prof Twitter Network 2.0
European Court of Human Rights underused in Irish law – lecturer
The Trouble with Teaching Rape Law
Should academic lawyers blog?
Law Professors Defend Students’ Right to Sell Used Textbooks
Teach Law Outside of Law Schools
School leavers swing back to law and construction courses
Students launch petition after Law Society exams date moved
AIB to launch ‘specialist’ student loans
Why legal education should last for three years