Tags : LRC

Unions Set For ‘Pivotal’ Meeting with College on April 11th
Minister urged to intervene in NUIG row
Unions outraged at NUI Galway refusal to attend LRC to discuss equality taskforce
Unions outraged at NUI Galway refusal to attend LRC to discuss equality taskforce
Face-to-face negotiations on public pay begin
Third Level Staff Remuneration – Tyndall Institute
Exams won’t be disrupted by industrial action, UCC says
NUI Galway urged to attend talks
Staff at Sligo college to stage second strike over NUIG merger
Staff dispute may see €1m added to UCC’s pay bill
Minister ‘can’t get involved’ in ITs row
Technological Universities
IT lecturers support suspension of merger
TUI says ITs should be able to apply individually for University status
Lecturers seek rethink on technological universities plan
College’s lecturing staff lift threat of industrial action
CIT online courses on hold amid row
Government urged to raise salaries of student nurses
Strike over UCC pay dispute called off
Planned Tyndall strike called off