Tags : maintenance grants

Tuition Fees
Student grant increases to take effect from next week
SUSI expanded to include part-time third level students
Students look for supports to stop ‘elitism’ in medicine
Simon Harris confirms Ukrainian students will have access to fee and grant supports
I’m struggling to make ends meet. Will I be eligible for the new €500 student grant?
SUSI eligibility criteria
Simon Harris confirms college grant increases for thousands of students
Minister Harris announces payment of additional student maintenance grant
PhDs Face Delays in Promised €500 One-Off Payment
Susi grant holders set to receive double payment on December 16th
Minister Harris announces date of additional student grant payment and details of €1,000 fee reduction
Cuts to third-level fees do not apply to students at private colleges – Harris
Budget 2023: Minister Harris announces significant boost for student grant holders
Budget 2023: Ministers Harris and Collins announce cost-of-living package for students, and investment in third level education for 2023
€1,000 cut to third-level fees announced
Third-level fees cut by €1,000 while grant recipients to get double payment this year
SUSI applications
Student contribution fee set to be cut in October’s budget