Tags : MOOCs

DCU targets global diaspora with free Irish language course online
Professors Have Taken Over the MOOCs
Why Haven’t MOOCs Eliminated Any Professors?
Credit where it’s due?
Two universities to accept MOOC credits for first time
Anyone can build a MOOC – Press Release
Does Technology Ever Reduce the Costs of Teaching?
Don’t expect too much of every new disruptive innovation in higher education
Educators to receive honorary doctorates from UCC today
‘This change will be the end of the Open University as we know it’
MOOCs Are Still Rising, at Least in Numbers
Trinity College begins free online course on Easter Rising
An innovative form of cheating emerges in MOOCs
Moocs most help those without a degree
This Is How Students Cheat in MOOCs
As Coursera Evolves, Colleges Stay On and Investors Buy In
How MOOCs Could Reform Education Completely by Accident
Home is where online learning is
UK ‘biggest online university course’
Rush to e-learning may fuel online plagiarism, warn lecturers