Tags : NCAD

NCAD denies discriminating against student with Down syndrome
Minister Harris announces €10 million project with UCD, IADT and NCAD
Showcase: NCAD moves its creative works online
When NCAD Students Took On an Institution, and the State – and Won
The NCAD and the future of art
‘It’s 5 ft 6 so I could lie exactly width-wise in it’: This art student has created a replica of her student flat
NCAD spends €138,000 on new payroll system before board abandons project
University Status Applications: NCAD and IADT
NCAD and IADT merger recommended in new plan
Ministers invite expressions of interest to fill vacancies on Board of National College of Art and Design (NCAD)
Three third-level colleges face penalties over ‘poor performance’
NCAD Student Action view appointment of new director with ‘absolute scepticism’
Three-year plan to help institutes break even
Five third-level colleges financially vulnerable
NCAD board meeting to discuss recruiting new director
Four colleges financially vulnerable, PAC committee told
With NCAD Director’s Retirement, Evidence of the Impact of Student Protests
Following a Year of Student Protests, NCAD Director Announces Retirement
New board for under-fire National College of Art and Design
NCAD rejects censor claim over withdrawal of nude from show