Tags : REF

The human costs of the research-assessment culture
Why the party is over for Britain’s Research Excellence Framework
REF 2021 Results and Ranking
Is it time for a radical rethink of REF?
The REF goes on
Out of the REF
Why pausing the REF makes sense but axing it doesn’t
UK universities hiring ‘superstar’ professors to boost research rankings
Open access – are we almost there for REF?
Universities’ league table obsession triggers mental health crisis fears
‘New elite’ emerges as UK ranking combines TEF and REF
The RAE/REF have engendered evaluation selectivity and strategic behaviour, reinforced scientific norms, and further stratified UK higher education
We need blind marking in the REF, too
REF cycles ‘force academics to rush out poorer quality research’
REF changes could have a bad impact on mental health
TEF results – How do REF and TEF results compare?
Why is so much research dodgy? Blame the Research Excellence Framework
The Stern Review on REF 2014 – a review of recommendations
Cheap at any price?
REF: static ranking raises questions about management policies