Tags : schools

Irish education costs are ‘unfair’, Barnardos claims
The changing face of how we assess our students
The double-think at the heart of teacher training
The high price of Ireland’s ‘free’ education
Coursework and assessing students
School is responsible for ruining my brain
Every post-primary school in Ireland now has high speed broadband
Burton awaits report on JobBridge cleaning posts
JobBridge to nowhere
Quinn blocks tables
Collaboration and professional development: big changes in teacher-training
Schools to close as teacher pay row escalates
Stakeholders in education should unite against the divide and rule strategy
Minister overhauls school enrolment policies
Move from current religious instruction in Catholic schools may begin by 2014
Jobbridge: All Staff or some?
Quinn eager to give parents more control over education costs
Barnardos criticises cost of school books
Irish children twice as likely to dislike school
The myth of free education in Ireland