Tags : skills

Universities to increase radiation therapy training places amid staff shortages in sector
In-demand Courses
RTÉ star Joe Duffy reveals efforts to bring condoms to Trinity College were obstructed by college authorities
Graduate skills and employment
Graduate skills
Graduates lack ‘basic skills’ such as writing without spelling or grammatical errors
CAO system must change to reflect wider range of students’ skills – Harris
The Key Points for Higher Education in the Government’s Recovery Plan
Minister Harris announces €225 million investment in further and higher education and research under National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Research and Development – Graduates
Ministers meet National Skills Council to discuss skills needs and links between education and enterprise
More than 4 in 10 students feel college does not prepare them for work
An unprovoked rant about education
Free College Courses to Upskill Workers Post-Pandemic
LIT to increase courses in areas of high workplace demand
Government launches 17,000 free and subsidised higher education places on Springboard+ 2020 and Human Capital Initiative (HCI) Pillar 1
‘Programme for Government: Our Shared Future’ (June 2020)
Graduates and the workplace
Graduates ‘not well-equipped’ for future workplace
Third-level colleges will open almost 3,000 places extra places over the next two years in €24m Government-funded move