Tags : Spain

‘No Erasmus please, we’re British’
Officials from UCC set to travel to Spain to assist Irish hurt in bus crash
Spanish government drops plans to cut European student funding scheme
Hi-tech cheats dumb down Spain’s universities
Spain dominates Erasmus student exchange flows
Spain remains top choice for Erasmus students
Spanish scientists protest to save research
Student to get a taste of Spain
Spain delays multi-million research grants
Billions of Spanish Research Euros Remain Unspent
It’s not what you know, but who: The role of connections in academia
Spanish teachers go on strike over €3bn in education spending cuts
Student protest in Spain turns violent
Spanish changes are scientific suicide
Corruption ‘widespread in universities’
Mixed feelings over Spanish science law
Stepping out of the Ivory Tower
A UJI study reveals that university students and lecturers are open to educational innovation
Does gender matter for academic promotion? Evidence from a randomised natural experiment
Spain Turns to Science for Stimulus