Tags : strategic planning

Strategic Plans
What Do Strategic Plans Actually Say?
Dundalk IT launch ‘ambitious’ new three-year plan
Trinity Cancels Physical Launch of Strategic Plan
In College’s Strategic Plan, an Unspoken Priority: Rankings
The Top Six Takeaways from Trinity’s New Strategic Plan
UCD Take Easy Route in Empty 5-year Strategy
The NCAD and the future of art
Should a university aim to be a for-profit institution?
WIT’s Grand Plan
Development plan to transform DCU will cost €230m
UL launches plan to become research powerhouse
UL launches ambitious ‘roadmap to 2020’ strategy
UL strategic plan will bring university to the city centre
NUI Galway aims for top 200 spot as ‘ranking vital to global employers’
NUI Galway aims to enter world ‘top 200’ in new strategy
RCSI sets plans to increase links with industry
Do Strategic Plans Result in Tangible Realities?
University strategic planning – but where are the tactics?
To fix third level, we need to ask the right questions