Tags : student loans

Minister Harris publishes landmark policy on funding higher education and reducing the cost of education for families
Student loans will not be introduced to bridge third-level funding gap
Graduate Entry Medicine students ‘panicking’ as ‘life-saving’ Bank of Ireland loan discontinued
Northern Ireland graduates overpaid loans by over £10m in six years
Third-level €3k fee to be cut and student loans ruled out
Verdict on Cassells Report to be Published by the End of the Year
‘We Won’t be Introducing Student Loans’, Harris says of Cassells Report
Third-level should be free to access, says Higher Education Minister
Country ‘sitting on a timebomb’ over crisis in third-level funding, says Trinity Provost
Provost in favour of student loan scheme
For Quality and Equality, Public Funding is Higher Education’s Best Option
Provost Patrick Prendergast has argued that ‘a system that has a mixture of public and private funding is the best’
Student loan scheme ruled out, says Minister
College fees to be ‘frozen for 5 years’
Loan Schemes May Be Third-Level’s Best – and Most Equitable – Option
The Government’s Inertia on Cassells Is Now Bordering on the Absurd
Student fee hike and loan scheme ruled out
Students’ Union Heads Call for Protests on Higher Education Funding
Student loans no way to fund education
Third Level Funding