Tags : Sweden

Elsevier Gets Blocked in Sweden After it Legally Requires Internet Providers to Make Sci-Hub Locally Inaccessible
Sweden cancels Elsevier contract as open-access dispute spreads
College in Sweden is free but students still have a ton of debt – How can that be?
Universities prepare to change PhD students’ status
‘I knew three things about Sweden; everyone was blonde, it was cold and ABBA’
Plagiarism on the rise at Swedish universities
Strasbourg Case Law: Gillberg v. Sweden, Criminal conviction for refusal to give access to research files, no violation of Convention
Sweden: International students shun tuition fees
New Barriers to a Foreign Degree
Women locked out of research
Key universities set foreign fees for 2011
EU probes ‘discriminatory’ student selection
Which is your Priority: Research or Teaching?
New charges present new challenges
Sweden Will Start Charging Tuition to Foreign Students Next Year
Aiming for 5,000 foreign PhDs
Universities call for fee delay
Educated women ‘aid long life’