Tags : swine flu

Fight the flu – get an education
Counting Faculty and Staff Absences
Modules condensed to accommodate Swine Flu
Swine flu student vaccinations
Wondering about H1N1
Common Sense and Scenarios on H1N1
Swine flu response teams prepare for college outbreak
Students quarantined with suspected swine flu
Universities prepare for swine flu worst as nurseries take away soft toys
Fears grow over new swine flu outbreak at campus
Queen’s in web lessons plan over swine flu
Swine flu likely to hit 15% of staff, HSE warns employers
Colleges have no specific flu plans
Swine flu suspected at student conference
12 SU officials across Ireland suspected of contracting Swine Flu
Colleges poised to deal with mass swine flu deaths when term starts
Universities advised on pandemic
Summer flu, fall headaches?
Mobility and swine flu
The threatened flu pandemic – issues for institutions and staff