Tags : Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett Estate Announces €60,000 Joint Scholarship with Trinity
Fierce battle of wizards brought to book at Trinity’s Long Room
TCD’s Old Library is setting for animation film
‘I like to play with words. It’s fun and it’s my job.’
Dodger: An interview with Professor Sir Terry Pratchett
Trinity library gets animated for Pratchett film
Sir Terry Pratchett: Text and Twitter harming children’s development
24 hours stalking Terry Pratchett
Terry Pratchett at TCD
And the magic begins
Pratchetty wisdom
Terry Pratchett gives creative writing masterclass in Trinity
Professor Pratchett joins Trinity staff
Terry Pratchett joins the staff at Trinity College Dublin
Terry Pratchett @ Trinity
Fantastic voyager
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett – a new Discworld novel – is out now