Tags : Tom Garvin

Confucius goes to college
Teacher’s Pet
Ireland becoming anti-intellectual, academic editor says
Dark days for Irish universities?
Dark days for Irish universities?
Some parasites are benign, some kill their host and some render their host listless and ineffective
Dark days for the Irish university
Tom Garvin has an article in the Irish Times
Academic freedom discussed
The Idea of a University: an Essay in Support of Professor Tom Garvin’s Thesis of Grey Philistines Taking Over Our Universities
Renewing the Republic
A ‘grey philistine’ on why Prof Tom Garvin is wrong
Are the grey philistines really in charge?
Renewing the Republic
Cowards, the lot of us?
Irish academia is dominated by cowards and philistines
Keeping it all in the family
The Empire Strikes Back
UCD reforms meet needs of students and society
Tom Garvin’s philistines are part of a wider problem