Tags : veterinary medicine

Approval for two new veterinary colleges needed this year, Harris says
New vet college needed to prevent worsening industry crisis
North Cork should be location for new veterninary college, says Cllr Bernard Moynihan
Maynooth University to start nursing course in 2025 and medicine on the cards as Government expands health and veterinary places
UL to build specialised animal hospital under hopeful plans for vet school
New Veterinary School
Increased Veterinary Provision
Students on 420 points are locked out of veterinary, teaching and nursing. How is that fair?
Ireland could get two more schools for vets in new training plan
Veterinary Medicine – Increased Numbers
Colleges jump at chance to open more places in dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, medicine and veterinary
Call for MTU Kerry to make bid for new School of Veterinary Medicine in Munster
University of Limerick vies for new veterinary college
University of Limerick considering call for veterinary college
‘A vet school for Coleraine would be a win-win’ – Sugden