Monthly Archives: July 2020

‘Universities are not corporations’: 600 Australian academics call for change to uni governance structures
University teachers seek clarity on process for re-opening third level education
WIT President optimistic over the future development of the Technological University for the South East
Minister Harris announces appointment of person to spearhead new Technological University for the South East
Third-level classes in consent will not yet be mandatory
Predicted grades must be extended to class of 2021
Science publishing has opened up during the coronavirus pandemic. It won’t be easy to keep it that way
Student teacher takes legal challenge over not being permitted to graduate this year
Issues of consent and sexual violence an ‘epidemic’ at third level, says Harris
Simon Harris to consider fining colleges who don’t act on sexual harassment
Pandemic effect upon college life
Time, Money and Guidance in Higher Education
UL will not alter fees for reduced access to campus
DCU accommodation plans postponed indefinitely due to financial strain caused by Covid-19
Harris ‘stunned’ by prevalence of sex attacks in colleges
UCD spinout seeks €30m, McDonagh’s new service station, and hydrogen testing
A Month Since its Creation, the Higher Education Dept is Proving its Worth
International Students Long for College Experience and People More than Degree
Developers ‘must listen’ to traders and residents on North Main Street student accommodation proposal
Students back at uni – but with masks and no bars