Daily Archives: 22 December, 2010

A Nature for the Humanities
Wales set for university mergers
Students in Kent university sit-in make Christmas vow
Democracy and Credible Commitment in Universities
Save university arts from the bean counters
Italian students demonstrate against education reforms
The disposable academic
We’re All Conservatives Now
Question raised over need for entry exam to medical school
Assessing business schools and scholars (4)
Programme 75, Visual Arts Education, & News (12-12-10)
Third level education must pay off if fees keep rising
75% of firms to recruit next year
Universities’ challenge is far more than rising fees
Bid to treble number of Irish speakers
IRCHSS and IRCSET PhD Funding Deadlines
Searching for higher standards of ethics: a real quest, or a wild goose chase?
Percentage of poor pupils admitted to Oxbridge? 1%