“It seemed like a great idea: a sort of clearing house where links to articles and papers of broad educational significance would be provided. It used to be my go-to website first thing in the morning when I wanted to get my brain in gear. I though it was brilliant. I aspired to be Number 1 on its most-read list …” (more)
[Tales from Academia, 14 April]
The Blogmeister writes: It’s settled, then – no new post will be published here until Greg verifies that (1) the author wasn’t ‘disgruntled’ and (2) the views in it aren’t ‘ridiculous’. Then this blog will return to its former glory, and all will be well .
Seems a bit harsh. I wonder what article or articles the author is referring to.
I must admit I got out of the habit of reading NLI for the opposite reason; because there are now so many articles in the media on third level (that I have usually read), there isn’t much room left for the ‘day in the life’ blogposts from academics that I enjoy. It’s hard to please everyone!
Steve, in the last week you’ve ‘published’ a letter to the Irish Times that said the drop-out rate in HE was 30% and a totally hysterical and inaccurate article about DCU’s preparedness for the summer exams. You can’t just wash your hands of these things a la Facebook.
9thLevel.ie provides a fantastic service bringing together news items about HE. It is for the Irish Times to fact check letters and other correspondents to correct those that get through with inaccuracies. I can see that there might be a question about carrying articles from the increasingly active student press, but think it valuable to have collated together these student articles. The reader can judge the provenance of different kinds of article. Do keep going Steve.
That’s exactly what Facebook and the like would say. Where do you draw the line? If an article appeared in a student newspaper that said Greg Foley is a bollox would Steve post it? What is his bottom line?