Daily Archives: 03 December, 2009

When smart economy and planning collide
Students arrested after Christmas party
Top scientists attack funds plan
When a cut in pay is not a pay cut …
US Approves New Stem Cell Lines for Researchers
NUIG to open major new cultural centre in the New Year
TCD unveils plan to set up academy for dramatic arts
Non-payment of grants forcing students to drop out, says USI
Protests over honorary role at Maynooth
Staff 2pc better off on unpaid leave
Government takes harder line with unions on unpaid leave
Unpaid leave – This is not the time to be fudging it
113,000 public servants will escape PRSI hike
Student politics
Thousands of academics call for impact to be axed
The French disconnection
Tinker, tailor, tamper, why?
Protest over Ahern’s professorship
A hard act to follow as Trinity unveils drama academy