Tags : fruitbats

Fruitbatgate judgment now available
Notorious fruit bat research wins ‘Ig Nobel’ prize
Disciplinary proceedings halted in ‘fruitbatgate’ case
Fruitbatgate – update
Lecturer bids to quash bat sex complaint
Lecturer in bat-sex row takes fight to High Court
Fruit Bat Gate Reframed
Court gives Dylan Evans leave for Judicial Review
Evans denies posting documentation to Facebook
Something to cheer up the lawyers
Sign in haste, repent later
Bat sex
Postscript : Academic mobbing in cyberspace
Academic mobbing in cyberspace
The complexity of academic freedom
Yikes! Attack of the killer viral fruit bats
Fruitbatgate: Sexual Harrassment or Intellectual Discourse?
Irish University Goes Batty
Effects of fruitbatgate
Fruit bats and the right to Justice